© 2020 LUX.guru Son of Light Ministry

Son of Light Ministry

06 August 2023

The Pattern for Ascension

We are perfect inclined towards ever more perfect standards. We only ascend that we may assume ever higher standards.


Brothers and Sisters of the Light,

Today, gathered together, we delve into a profound theme that resonates with the very rhythm of life. Just like the sequence of notes that guide us, our purpose is to Glorify God and Honor self - His temple. We're on a journey that begins with the foundational C note, reminding us of our connection to the divine, and our duty to honor the temple of our being.
The A note in our journey represents the journey inward, the path of yoga. It's a reminder that from oneness we come, and to oneness we go. Yoga teaches us to unite our body, mind, and spirit, creating a harmonious existence within ourselves. Just as A guides us to unity, let our practice guide us to the unity within.
With the E note, we enter a realm of creation. Just as God creates, so do we, ever creating the tapestry of our lives. Through yoga, we harmonize our energies and find balance in the dance of life. Just as E signifies energy, let our yoga practice be a source of renewed energy, a reservoir of vitality.
Returning to the familiar C note, we're reminded of the power of mindfulness. Keep God’s name on your tongue, speak with reverence and respect. As we honor ourselves as divine vessels, we honor the Creator who resides within us. Through yoga, we find the stillness within, where God's presence is felt.
And now, back to E, echoing the essence of liberation. The Liberation of All is God’s Order. In yoga, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of attachment and ego. We embrace the freedom of the soul. Let our yoga practice be a path to liberation, a journey that aligns with God's divine plan.
Echad – the Hebrew word for "One" – captures the essence of our journey. Through yoga, we discover the oneness within ourselves and with the universe. Just as our guiding notes sequence leads us through this speech, let our yoga practice guide us through life. From the unity within, we create, honor, and find liberation.
Awake to the possibility that NOW I AM.
Now I am the possibility of all that is. And I will integrate the ideal in Earth,
I AM Positively aligned