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Centripetal Religion

A centripetal thought system focuses on drawing disparate elements toward a central unity, emphasizing coherence and interconnectedness within a framework. Using this approach, we can refine the analysis of the three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), integrating their shared and unique characteristics while emphasizing their collective evolution of faith and consciousness within a holographic framework—where the mind’s eye aligns with deeper, unified reality.


Judaism: From Henotheism to Monotheistic Unity

- System of Faith: Judaism represents the foundational evolution of faith consciousness, initially navigating from henotheism—a stage of multiple divine possibilities—toward the full realization of monotheism. In this journey, the conceptualization of Yahweh as the supreme singularity emerges, signifying a contraction of divine plurality into a unified focal point. This transition captures the shift from fragmented perceptions of the divine to the acknowledgment of an indivisible source, embodied in the Shema: "The Lord our God, the Lord is one."

- Consciousness and Covenant: The consciousness of the Jewish people is inherently tied to the covenant (Berith) with God, a relationship that defines the boundaries and potential of human awareness in dialogue with divine will. The mind, through adherence to the covenant, opens to the higher unity that Yahweh represents, and in Jewish mysticism, the mind’s eye engages with the emanations of divine light. The Kabbalistic concept of Tzimtzum (divine contraction) portrays the centripetal dynamic where God withdraws to create space, allowing human consciousness to emerge within that sacred void as a localized reflection of divine thought.

- Holographic Schema: Judaism’s system is a holographic projection of divine unity into a space where human consciousness can interact with the divine. The covenant acts as a key, where consciousness, like a ray of light, traces its source back to the infinite divine, aligning with the unfolding mystery of creation.


Christianity: Complex Unity within the Trinity

- System of Faith: Christianity expands the monotheistic framework inherited from Judaism through the doctrine of the Trinity—a triune God that balances the paradox of three persons, one essence. This Trinitarian framework creates a more multifaceted system of unity, emphasizing that the one God reveals Himself in three dimensions: Father (Source), Son (Incarnation), and Holy Spirit (Relation). This dynamic allows for an intimate interplay between the divine and human realms, with Christ’s Incarnation serving as a central axis around which divine reality and human experience converge.

- Consciousness and Beatific Vision: The mind’s eye in Christian theology reaches its fullest potential through the Beatific Vision—the direct perception of God. Human consciousness, drawn centripetally toward this divine truth, reflects the divine logos in Christ, who embodies God’s presence in the material world. The Eucharist, like a fractal of the divine essence, serves as a continual touchpoint for this holographic reality: Christ’s body and blood become the material manifestation of the spiritual, creating a synergistic relationship between divine and human consciousness.

- Holographic Schema: The Trinity is a holographic projection of divine consciousness into the material world. Each person of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—represents a dimension of God’s presence, projected into the human plane. Through faith, the believer's consciousness engages in a co-creative role, where the mind’s eye ascends, integrating material and divine realities in one holographic image.


Islam: Pure Monotheism and Singular Consciousness

- System of Faith: Islam crystallizes the oneness of God (Tawhid), presenting a radical, undivided form of monotheism that emphasizes the indivisibility of divine reality. There are no intermediaries or divisions in God’s nature; Allah is the absolute singularity at the center of existence. The Qur'an speaks of God’s omnipresence, closer than one’s jugular vein, symbolizing the immediate and intimate nature of the relationship between human consciousness and the divine source.

- Consciousness and Dhikr: Islamic thought, particularly in Sufism, emphasizes the purification and realignment of human consciousness with divine reality through Dhikr (remembrance of God). The eye of the heart (Basira), or the mind’s eye, opens when the veils of materiality are lifted, revealing the oneness of existence. The heart's eye perceives that all of creation is a manifestation of divine will, and through constant remembrance, the believer's consciousness gravitates toward this singular truth, dispelling illusions of multiplicity.

- Holographic Schema: In Islam, God is the center from which all of existence radiates. The universe, and human consciousness within it, is a holographic emanation of God’s singular will. The mind’s eye allows the faithful to penetrate the veils of this world, seeing through the material projections to the pure unity that is Allah. Tawhid represents the centripetal force, drawing all multiplicity back into the divine singularity.


Systems Integration: The Centripetal Convergence of Faith and Consciousness

In this refined analysis, each of the Abrahamic faiths can be understood as a centripetal system of consciousness that directs its adherents toward an ever-unifying divine reality.

- Judaism: The covenant forms the core, where human consciousness, through divine contraction, approaches the indivisible unity of Yahweh. This interaction symbolizes the contraction-expansion dynamic present in the spiritual relationship. 

- Christianity: The Trinity becomes a holographic image where the divine reality is projected into the world through the Incarnation and Holy Spirit. Human consciousness, aligned through the Beatific Vision, rises toward the central unity embodied in the triune God.

- Islam: Through Tawhid, human consciousness is drawn directly to the singularity of God, with Dhikr and the eye of the heart acting as spiritual tools to dissolve the illusions of separation and align with divine unity.


Unified Holographic Faith and Consciousness

Ultimately, in all three faiths, the mind’s eye enables believers to transcend material boundaries and participate in a reality that is a projection of divine unity. Human consciousness is not merely an isolated phenomenon but a centripetal flow toward the divine source, drawing back the illusions of multiplicity to reveal the singularity at the core of all existence. Whether through covenant, incarnation, or pure monotheism, consciousness in these traditions is a pathway that mirrors the holographic nature of reality, where the whole is contained in every part, and every part leads back to the whole.

Son of Light Ministry

© 2020 LUX.guru Son of Light Ministry

09 October 2024