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5 dimensions in 3; Jupiter; Amethyst; Pineal

Pineal Gland:
The pineal gland, often regarded as a mystical organ, serves as a vital link to higher consciousness and divine realms. Its activation is essential for spiritual awakening, illuminating the path to deeper insights and greater awareness. As it aligns with the crown chakra, it facilitates our connection to the universe, allowing us to transcend the mundane and embrace the sacred.

Quote from "Soul of Zion Body of Olympus":
"The cosmic seat of memory which records all experiences and compares them with the perfect pattern within the soul, the ruling force of the Christ Consciousness."

Representing expansion, growth, and benevolence, Jupiter invites us to embrace a holistic vision of existence. It encourages us to cultivate qualities of leadership and cooperation, urging us to see beyond ourselves and recognize the interconnectedness of all beings. Through its influence, we are inspired to be loving, helpful, and protective, embodying strength and compassion in our interactions.

Quote from "Soul of Zion Body of Olympus":
"Jupiter teaches us to see all as whole and to apply this consciousness towards leadership of the masses. Jupiter teaches us to be cooperative, loving, helpful, and protective; to be soft-hearted, strong, mighty, and powerful; to be benevolent and urge others on."

Amethyst, a powerful and protective stone, resonates deeply with the crown chakra, enhancing our spiritual awareness and intuition. Known for its calming properties, this exquisite crystal aids in meditation and connects us to higher realms, opening pathways to divine wisdom. In its presence, we are reminded of our inherent spiritual nature and the limitless possibilities that lie within.

Quote from "Soul of Zion Body of Olympus":
"The cosmic seat of memory which records all experiences and compares them with the perfect pattern within the soul, the ruling force of the Christ Consciousness."

Son of Light Ministry

© 2020 LUX.guru Son of Light Ministry

30 July 2024